
In this session, MBS Coordinators (novice & experienced) will learn about the necessary steps in preparing for a MBSAQIP virtual site visit, the assistive elements that MBS Directors can provide in navigating your hospital’s resouces, QI project development, MBSAQIP tools to ensure program success, & the session will conclude with an interactive networking session between colleagues.

Learning Objectives:

  1. List the "must haves" in organizing your hospital for a MBSAQIP virtual site visit (VSV).
  2. Verbalize strategies that an MBS Director can employ in ensuring that your program has the necessary resources it needs to ensure success.
  3. Verbalize the appropriate steps in developing a meaningful QI Project, pursuant to MBSAQIP Standard 7.2, "Quality Improvement Initiatives".
  4. Identify the associated tools that MBSAQIP provides in ensuring programmatic success for ongoing & future accreditation efforts.

11:00am MBSAQIP Accreditation & Virtual Site Visit (VSV) Readiness: A "How To" Guide for Newbies
Megan Daniels, BSN RN CBN
11:15am I Need A Little Help From My (MBS Director) Friend: A "How To" Guide in Serving as Your Program's "Voice"
Joe Northup, MD
11:30am MBSAQIP Resources: All The "Good Stuff"
Kimberly Evans-Labok, BA
11:45am Patient-Facing Initiatives: Ideas from Field
Melissa Majumdar, MS RD CSOWM LDN
12:00pm How to Put the "Quality" in MBSAQIP Standard 7.2, "QI Initiatives"
Teresa Fraker, MS RN
12:30pm Break
12:45pm Speed Networking Session
1:45pm Panel Question & Answer
2:00pm Adjourn